Using modern technologies in the digital lab-side workflow efficiently
In a world where ever more technologies emerge to enrich our day-to-day work and new materials appear to spring up like mushrooms, it can be daunting to make the right choices to ensure satisfactory long-term outcomes. That’s why it is so important to have a clear understanding of the different features and possibilities of these technologies and materials to use them with success. With this presentation, I would like to introduce you to the latest technologies and materials and show you how to employ them in a sensible way to formulate a strategy that ensures esthetic, predictable and functional restorations.
In this webinar, you will learn more about the following themes:
Assets of 3D printing, including the properties and applications of 3D printing materials and their advantages and disadvantages.
Proven milling technologies, together with the expanding range of zirconium oxide and other milling materials and how to process and use them in routine applications.
CE Credits: 1 Hour
Trainer: Stefan StriglStefan Strigl was born in Brunico, Italy. He received his degree in dental lab technology from the "Instituto Professional Galileo Galilei" in Bolzano, Italy in 1994 and finished his professional training at the Dental-Bruneck laboratory in Brunico. Since 2002, he has been running his own dental lab in Brunico. He has participated in numerous courses held by national and international experts. From 2013 to 2015 he was a member of the Seattle Study Club Tegernsee in Germany. Since 2014, he has been the president of the dental lab technician sector of South Tyrol association of craftspeople and service providers. He has worked with CAD/CAM technology for 11 years. He was a lecturer for Straumann until 2014. He has been working as a lecturer and instructor for Ivoclar Vivadent since 2014.