Ivoclar Academy

SR Nexco Composite

Written by Ivoclar Vivadent Blog Team | 5 May 2020

Short video shows the important steps in the stages of making an implant prosthetic replacement with SR NEXCO material on a metal framework. Emphasis is placed on the aesthetics of the gingival part. The video shows workflow in the lab and can help anyone who works and wants to work with the SR NEXCO composite on large implant cases.

Kratki video prikazuje bitne korake u fazama izrade implantoprotetskog nadomjeska sa materijalom SR NEXCO na metalnoj konstrukciji.  Naglasak je stavljen na estetiku gingivalnog dijela. Video pokazuje radni tijek u laboratoriju i može pomoći svima koji rade i žele raditi sa kompozitom SR NEXCO na velikim implant slučajevima.      

About Igor Galic:
Igor Galić was born in Croatia in 1972. After finishing Dental technician school, he acquires his working experience in several private dental laboratories. He gains additional education and has taken part in many courses in Croatia and abroad. In 2006. he opens his company in Zagreb “Primus Dental” which deals with the services of dental laboratory, prosthetic dental office, dental surgery, dental implantology. From 2008. to 2020.  as a lecturer participated in numerous professional courses, as a speaker at many conferences for dental technicians organized by HKDM (CROATIAN DENTAL CHAMBER). He is the author of one chapter and expert cooperator on a book “Partial prosthesis“ written by professor Kraljević. He has published several professional articles in Croatian dental magazine.

He finished BEGO Academy master level.

2013 become certified member of the Straumann LAB ACADEMY.

He is an official instructor for Straumann Dental Implant System.                                      

KOL for Ivoclar Vivadent Digital.