Ivoclar Academy

Vertiprep and CAD approach in veneer restorations

Written by Ivoclar Vivadent Blog Team | 23 July 2021

The esthetic treatment through adhesive restorations has always presented a challenge in clinical practice. New generation all-ceramic restorations and adhesive systems allow a greater preservation of residual hard tooth structures, especially with regard to single elements. The constant development of the digital workflow enables the dental team to control many aspects of the restorative plan, increasing the predictability and the efficiency of the treatment. The lecture will be focused on a step-by-step procedure for strategical preservation of tooth structure in veneer preparation, showing also new trends and techniques in the digital workflow.

In this webinar, you will learn more about the following themes:

  • Minimal preparation for ceramic veneers
  • Full Digital Workflow
  • Planning full-mouth ceramic restoration

Trainer: Dr Mario Imburgia, DDS, PhD
Dr. Mario ImburgiaGraduated with honours in Dentistry and completed his Doctorate research in periodontology at the University of Palermo, Italy. He is an active member of the Italian Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry (AIOP). Dr Imburgia is visiting Professor of the International Master in Prosthodontic Sciences, University of Siena, as well as Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Eastman Institute for Oral health, University of Rochester, USA.
Dr Imburgia is a speaker at national and international conferences and focuses on topics related to esthetic and prosthetic dentistry. He is author of the book "iPad in Dentistry – Digital communication for the patient and for the team" published by Quintessence Publishing. Dr Imburgia maintains a private practice in Palermo, Milan and Verona.