Simple and predictable, N-Line anterior composite restorations
Predictable and minimally invasive smile makeovers are the current trends in the field of Cosmetic Dentistry. To achieve this a thorough knowledge of the tooth structure and the materials we handle is vital.
Creating life like restorations is our ultimate aim and the materials we utilize are resin composites and ceramics. Composite resin restorations require only minimal tooth prep as compared to ceramics. However, you must have good clinical skills to achieve the desired outcome. Additionally, the increased chair-side time involved and the difficulty in achieving a desirable smile pushes the composite to the back seat. Especially,
compared to ceramics. Once we understand the science of the resins and master the art of handling the resin, we can create long lasting smiles with composites. This lecture will take you through the various
practical secrets of creating happy and lasting smiles with composites.
In this webinar, you will learn more about the following subjects:
- To understand the basic science of adhesive dentistry and
composites. - To master the art of selecting the right resins.
- Effective Shade matching and mapping.
- Importance of tooth preparation.
- Predictable build up techniques.
- Finishing and Polishing to achieve life like effects .
Trainer: Dr. Mohan BhuvaneswaranDr. Mohan Bhuvaneswaran completed post-graduation in Conservative Dentistry in 2001 from Government Dental College, The DR.MGR Medical University, Chennai, India. He started teaching in a Dental School form 2001 and later Headed the Department of Conservative Dentistry, in 2013 took over as the Associate Dean of the Dental school of SRM University. Early in 2015, he started a training center where he is the Chief Academic Officer. He is now full time at his private practice in Chennai, India where he focuses on restorative and cosmetic dentistry. Dr. Bhuvaneswaran is the General Secretary for the Indian Association of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, President of Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry India, serves on the Board of Directors of the American Board of Cosmetic and Esthetic Dentisty and an accredited member of the AACD. He continues to deliver lectures and hands-on trainings in Asia and the Middle East.