The use of all-ceramic restorations represents a valid alternative to complete crown restorations. The minimally invasive tooth preparation procedure allows a maximum of healthy tooth structure to be preserved, thus ensuring vitality and higher overall resistance of the restoration also thanks to the undeniable advantages offered by the adhesive cementation technique. Nowadays, a new clinical approach based on an innovative minimally invasive prosthetic procedure (MIPP) also applicable to full crown restorations enables the preservation of vitality and tooth structure: This minimally invasive procedure can be applied in a large number of different clinical situations, from simple to complex cases of prosthetic adhesive rehabilitations, where indirect partial or complete restorations play an esthetic and functional role both for anterior and posterior areas.
In this webinar, you will learn more about the following themes:
- Minimally invasive solutions
- Adhesive cementation
- Lithium disilicate
Trainer: Dr Roberto Turrini
Turrini graduated from the University of Florence with a degree in dentistry in 2004. Since 2005 he has been working as a collaborator in Dr. Mauro Fradeani’s office in Pesaro. His main areas of interest include restorative dentistry, endodontics and prosthodontics with a particular focus on esthetic dentistry. Apart from several scientific articles published in Italian and international magazines, he authored a text about dental bleaching published by Quintessence International in 2011 (“Dental bleaching: methods for success”) translated into Italian, German, Spanish and currently being translated into further languages. He is a national and international speaker and he usually lectures on prosthodontics and esthetic dentistry, as a founder member of Fradeani Education.