In direct restorations, dentists have been looking for real alternatives to amalgam for many years, as this material is no longer accepted unconditionally by patients for esthetic and toxicological reasons. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) initiated the Minamata Convention with the aim of reducing worldwide mercury emissions and releases in the future. In a direct response, Ivoclar Vivadent AG developed an "Alkasite" restorative material as an innovative alternative product to amalgam. First launched in India in 2016, the material is tooth-coloured and comes with all the benefits of an amalgam restorative: low cost, ease of application, strength, durability, bacteriostatic effect – but it is also environment friendly. It furthermore releases fluoride, calcium and hydroxide ions, which strengthens the tooth structure and minimizes decay.
Trainer: Dr med dent / DMD Philipp Schneider
Zug/Switzerland graduated from the University of Zurich /Switzerland and is affiliated to its Dental Institute. Post-graduation in Switzerland, United States and Japan in restorative dentistry and periodontology. He is the owner of a private clinic and has over 40 years of clinical experience. In addition to his worldwide lecturing activities, he is a consultant for Ivoclar Vivadent AG headquartered in Schaan/Liechtenstein.